Project Partners


Professor Timothy Darvill

Head of Archaeology & Historic Environment, Bournemouth University; Co–Director with Professor Geoffrey Wainwright of S.P.A.C.E.S. ( Strumbles–Preseli Ancient Communities & Environment Study), and, also with Wainwright, of the Bluestones Project at Stonehenge

Dr. David Miles

Formerly of English Heritage

Dr. George Nash

Archaeology & Anthropology, Bristol University


Professor Adrian Burgess

Professor of Neurology, University of Wales (Swansea)

Dr. Ian Cook

Associate Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, Los Angeles

Professor Christopher Kennard

Head, Dept. of Clinical Neurology, Brasenose College, University of Oxford


Ken Haworth

Heritage Studios, Bangor; BBC sound recordist

Professor Robert Jahn

Emeritus Professor of Aerospace Science and Dean Emeritus Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dept., Princeton University

Martyn Ware

Illustrious Ltd., specialists in the use of 3D sound


Musician/master percussionist, researcher, author


Academic advisory board for full project

Dr. Christopher Chippindale (archaeologist curator, Cambridge University Museum)

Professor Adolpho Bronstein (Neurootology, Imperial College London)

Susan Hiller (installation artist)

Professor Masud Husain (Clinical Neurology, University College London)

David Toop (researcher/writer/musician)

Dr. Robert Wallis (anthropologist, archaeologist and art historian Assistant Professor, Richmond the American International University in London)

Management group for full project

Professor Neville Brody (Dean of the School of Communication, RCA)

Dr. Robert Wallis

Research and Finance directors of the RCA


Local history

Venessa Roberts has been working on a dissertation, "Preseli: Perceptions of the Landscape", conducting interviews with a cross-section of Preseli locals. Anyone who would like to take part in her survey is invited to contact her: